Assignment 2 Final Project Introduction, Literature Review, and Methods Section

Assignment 2: Final Project: Introduction, Literature Review, and Methods Section






Stress is a normal physical and psychological reaction to the increasing demands one is faced with in life. Stress brings about various mental and physical symptoms that vary according the situational factors an individual faces. They can include a decline in the physical health of an individual or even cause depression. Stress reduction strategies are among the keys to a successful and happy life in this modern society. In life, there are numerous demands that might be difficult for an individual to handle. Stress reduction strategies provide numerous ways that an individual can use to maintain their wellbeing and manage anxiety (Greene, 20010). Despite stress being considered to be a subjective experience, it is easy to measure stress levels with the help of psychological tests. Surveys show that many people experience stress related challenges at some point in a year.

When we examine the causes of stress, we have to consider that an individual’s brain comes with a wired with an alarm system that offers protection to an individual. Whenever a brain perceives a threat, it sends a signal to the body to release hormones that fuel the response. Once the threat is no more, the body is supposed to go back to its normal relaxed state. However, in modern life stress is nonstop and hence the alarm does not go off. This is why it is important to look for stress reduction strategies. Without the application of stress management strategies, the body remains on high alert all the time (Greene, 20010). With time, high levels of stress can cause serious health problems to an individual. Therefore, one should not wait until stress negatively impacts their relationship, health or quality of life. It is important to compare the different stress reduction strategies in order to determine the one that could be most useful for an individual. This research will help in comparing different stress reduction strategies. The findings of the research can be useful to individuals who would want to pick the best stress reduction strategy. It is important to apply the best stress reduction strategy that suits an individual in life.

Literature review

It often seems like there is nothing one can do about stress but in the real sense there is a lot that can be done. An individual has more control than they think, in fact, by simply realizing that one is in control of their life forms the basis for reducing stress. Stress reduction is all about being in charge of one’s thoughts, schedule, emotions and the way one deals with their problems. Numerous researches have been conducted on stress reduction and strategies that can be used.

According to Greene, W. (20010), the most crucial step in stress reduction is the identification of the source of stress in life. It is easy for an individual to overlook some of the stress-inducing feelings, thoughts and behaviors in their life. In order to identify the true causes of stress in life one has to closely look at their attitudes, habits and excuses.

There are various strategies that can be used to reduce stress. The first strategy involves changing the situation whereby one can either avoid the stressor or alter the stressor. According to research, it is not easy to avoid all stress. There are various stressors that can be easily avoided such as avoiding those people that make you stressed. Psychologists’ advice people that if they notice someone constantly stress them they should ensure that they spend very little time with them to avoid any further stress. Another way of avoiding the stressor is through taking control of one’s environment. Avoid being in an environment you know very well has stressors (Stanton, 2010). The other way of changing a situation is altering a stressor that one faces. If one is not able to avoid the stressful situation, they can try to alter it in order to reduce stress. It is important for a person to figure out things that need to be changed in order to prevent further stress. In many cases it involves making changes on how an individual communicates and goes about their daily duties. It is important to express one’s feelings and speak them out. There the need to communications the concerns that one has in a situation in a respectful and open way. One has to be willing to compromise when requested to make changes in their life. It is also important for an individual to remain assertive if faced with a situation. Any problem should be faced head on as opposed to being afraid of tackling it.

Hamaideh, S states that the other strategy of reducing stress involves changing one’s reactions to the stressors. This can be achieved through adapting to the stressor or accepting the stressor. If changing the stressor proves to be difficult, then one might be required to change themselves. An individual can easily adapt to the stressful situations and hence be able to regain their sense of control through a change in attitude and expectations (Younis, 2006). Adapting to the stressor can be achieved through reframing the problem that one is faced with. It is possible to view the stressful situation they are faced with from a positive perspective rather than the negative side. Looking at the bright picture can also be used to adapt to a stressor. This involves taking perspective of the stressful situation and analyzing its importance in the long run. It is always important to focus on the positive and not too much on the negative.

There are some sources of stress that can to be avoided. These stressful situations can not be avoided but the best way of coping with them would be accepting them. Though accepting things can be difficult, it is easy compared to railing against situations that can not be changed (Hamaideh, 2007). In order to accept stressful situations, one should not try to control things that can not be controlled. It is not advisable to get stressed over things that cannot be controlled.


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Greene, W. (2001). Stressors and Stresses. PsycCRITIQUES.

 Hamaideh, S. (2007). Stressors and Reactions to Stressors Among University Students. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 69-80.


 Stanton, H. (2010). The reduction of children’s school-related stress. Australian Psychologist, 171-176.


Younis, N. (2006). Assembly stress for the reduction of stress concentration. Mechanics Research Communications, 837-845.