Air Cargo with the pandemic
As much as the air transport for passengers has been affected, the opposite is observed in the cargo transport sector. This is due to the high demand for medical supplies, commerce, and other products resulting in the skyrocceting of the sector.
Research done by the International Air Transport Association and other associations shows a high flow of goods as compared before and after the attack of the pandemic. This has influenced different sectors differently as the passenger’s sector has experienced a great drop on their side of the business, for example, the Lufthansa Cargo experienced the greatest profit of around 11% from their history on the side of cargo while a great loss of 45% on the passenger’s sector which lead to improvement in their load factor but decrease in their cargo capacity.
With the lay off of passengers flight, the cargo flights became strained due to their high demand which resulted in high rates which might go on till all gets back to normal but still, analysis shows that there is very to almost no passengers flight return even as things are cooling off.
To create space, the use of expensive alternatives has been employed such as Emirates SkyCargo to cover for the shortage of cargo flights. Also removing seats from the sum of the passenger’s flights and convert them into cargo flights has been another alternative being used to cater for the shortage and keep up with the market demand, although it seems the conversion increases the rates as the process is termed to be expensive. As this method is possible to some airlanes, the ones without the capability are still experiencing great loss.
To be able to manage the situation in the future, the lanes have learned to have quick response strategies in place. Also adoption of digitalized methods for monitoring and forward tracking for forehead preparations. As per current flights are working towards improving their flights for flexibility reasons.